Midsummer Eve, sunshine, dancing around the midsummer pole, flowers in your hair and happy faces everywhere. Or maybe not quite. It rains, thunder rumble in the background, I leave the dancing around the pole with warm hand to others with more energy in there legs and flowers in the hair is best suited to a younger generation. But the happy faces are here and the temperature is quite ok, almost 15o C, what more can you asks for? And soon we will have the herring, new potatoes and strawberries with our friends Soile and Kauko. A totally ok midsummer for us, no stress, even time for some knitting before it's time to go there.
Just nu håller jag på med en pullover till Alex med Postman Pat på (Postis Per tror jag han kallas här i Sverige). Det är första gången jag gjort intarsiamotiv, och det var inga svårigheter i och för sej men milde tid var trådar det blev på baksidan! Måste tyvärr erkänna att det inte ser så där vansinnigt snyggt ut där efter att de alla är fästade, men det är som det är och jag tror inte Alex bryr sej så väldigt mycket om det, bara hans hjälte Pat och hans bil syns ordentligt. Nu är det bara bakstycket kvar, och det ska väl inte behöva ta så lång tid. Men en nackdel med intarsiamönster är att man inte kan sticka runt, utan måste sy ihop delarna. Det är inte kul, inte ens när det gäller så här pass små stycken. Nu vill det verkligen till att den uppskattas efter allt detta fruktansvärda syende!
Right now I am working on a pullover for Alex with Postman Pat on. It is the first time I made an intarsia pattern, and it wasn’t difficult at all, but oh dear how many threads there were on the back! Must unfortunately admit that it does not look that nice and neat there after they all are weaved in, but it is what it is and I don’t think Alex cares so much about it, if only his hero Pat and his car can be seen properly. But what I don't like with intarsia is that you can't knit in the round and have to sew the pieces together. And that is something that I really don't like even if it is small pieces like this. Now I really hope it will be appreciated after all this terrible sewing :-)
8 kommentarer:
I think it looks great but I agree with you- I hate having to knit intarsia flat. I found this great blog with a good way to knit intarsia in the round:
but I haven't tried it yet. You might be interested though- it is possible!
Sorry I don't think the entire link posted:
If this doesn't work it's on the blog "let me explaiknit" the August 4, 2006 post.
You did a wonderful job and I'm sure Alex will love it! You are so thoughtful to make him something with his favorite character. It looks great!
O Postman Pat, which little boy doesn't like Postman Pat! You'll have to do Thomas the Tank Engine soon ;-)
Did you know it's possible to embroider pictures on knitting and make it look like you've knitted intarsia? It's ever so easy, I learnt in Holland. We're out for the day today but I'll see if I can find some instructions later this weekend and get back to you.
It will be appreciatet all right! Alex is as obssesed with Postman Pat as ever... It looks lovely by the way!
It turned out really cute. He will be thrilled with his "Postman Pat" sweater!
I have not done much intarsia. This little sweater is very sweet and I am sure Alex will love it.
Vilken härlig tröja. Den kommer garanterat att bli en favorit, du ska se att du tycker att det är värt mödan när den väl är klar och med din stickhastighet så lär det väl inte ta lång tid;-)
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