Now life goes on in the ordinary tracks. Friday's hardships have faded away, besides that we have no car for the moment. It’s away for remediation, and it will take one or two weeks before it is ready. The smell of smoke is less and less for every day here, and even in the elevator it has slowed down. Later today it will also come someone from the clean-up company and go through all of our valves, so it will probably be just fine soon enough.
Nu har jag gjort klart den fjärde och sista av tröjorna till Alex’ kompisar. Samtidigt som jag köpte garn till den förra, gula, kofta så köpte jag samma kvalité fast i orange, till den här. Det garnet – Mette från Grunnebo Garn – var inte kul då, och ännu mindre kul nu. Ärligt talat var det vidrigt, oljigt och obehagligt att sticka med och till råga på eländet luktade det illa! Har aldrig varit med om maken. Men jag gnetade på och mönstret var kul och när den väl var tvättad blev den bra mycket behagligare. Lukten är borta och den är riktigt mjuk. Fast det blir inget mer inköp av den sorten mer!
Mönstret hittade jag i Rich Designs Kids to Grown-Ups Seamless Sweaters.
Now I have finished the fourth and last of the sweaters for Alex’s friends. When I bought the yarn for the yellow cardigan, I bought the same quality but in orange, for this one. The yarn - Mette from Grunnebo Yarn - was not funny then and evens less fun now. Honestly, it was disgusting, oily and unpleasant to knit with and on top of that it smelled bad! But I went on with it, the pattern was fun and once it was cleaned, it became much more pleasant. The smell is gone and it is really soft. But I will never ever purchases that kind any more!
I found the pattern in Rich Designs Kids to Grown-Ups Seamless Sweaters.
7 kommentarer:
It such a pretty cardigan.
The sweater came out beautiful despite the stinky yarn!
This sweater is definitely my favorite. It's so lovely. I'm glad you could salvage the yarn.
You knit these sweaters pretty fast!
The cardigan is gorgeous, beautifully knitted...
What a beautiful cardigan. Must. Have. One! And, the yarn must have had the lanolin left in it. Did it smell of sheep?
The yarn may have been oily and smelly but the swaeter did come out just beautiful!
Jättesöt troja.
Vad läskigt med branden, USCH!
Hemmma snackas det bränder och brandbilar stup i ett, verkar vara mest poppis just nu hos Buset.
Tervlig helg!
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