Ravelry is really fun, I've said it before and I say it again. Not only all the designs, ideas, general inspiration and an endless amount of tips and advice that can be found there, there is RAK too! Have you checked up any of the groups? There are two, one for all over the world and one that only applies to Europe. RAK stands for Random Act of Kindness, and you are supposed to enter a small (or big) wish list for the current month, then hopefully are so friendly that you check other people's wish lists, and maybe find some with someone in, that you think would be fun to send to the wisher. I have in that way got rid of both left over yarn and other stuff. But to return to the really fun, that of course is when someone out there will send something to me. And look, see and admire, what fell down in our mailbox yesterday:

Är de inte helt underbara, dessa knappar? Jag fick helt enkelt hicka av lycka. Ja, som ett förtydligande, jag ska inte ha dem själv. Men våran Alex, han ska få dem! Nu är bara den stora frågan, vad ska de sättas på? Det är ett litet krux, söta mor Karin är inte odelat förtjust i knäpp (=uppknäpp)bara tröjor till sin älskade förstfödde. Men med fem underbara traktorknappar måste det nog tyvärr bli en gammal hederlig kofta. Har tänkt mej en enkel modell i ett helt enfärgat garn, så det viktigaste kommer helt till sin rätt. Kanske en gubbmodell i slätstickning och med en liten krage och två fickor. Skulle helst vilja ha en v-ringad med en liten sjalkrage. Får klura lite på det,
Are they not quite wonderful, these buttons? I got hiccups of happiness. Yes, as a clarification, I should not have them myself. But our Alex, he’s the man for them! Now is just the big question, what should they be fastened on? Sweet Mother Karin is not entirely fond of sweaters that are able to button (= unbutton!) for her beloved first-born. But with five wonderful tractor buttons, it unfortunately just has to be a cardigan. I’m thinking about a simple model of a solid coloured yarn, so the most important details will show off properly. Maybe an old man’s model in plain stockinette stitches, a small collar and two pockets. I think I would prefer to have a v-neck with a small shawl collar. Have to think a bit more about it.
4 kommentarer:
Wow vilka knappar!
Trevlig helg!
Heehee, so cute and unique!
Visst är knappar underbart de blir ofta kronan på verket. Hade ingen aning on RAK måste kolla upp det tack för tipset.
Må så gott!
Oh those are so cute!
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